Be #grateful for the mother land

Day 191 of #LiveWell2017

Day 191 the land is our mother

I’ve come to realize that one of the things I appreciate most about living in the western part of the U.S. is the abundance of wide open space – often public lands. Nowhere east of the Mississippi River have I ever seen such vast landscapes, landscapes so immense that it is difficult to achieve any kind of perspective until you look through binoculars and see a tiny speck perched on a rock, and it turns out to be a bald or golden eagle. A raft holding eight people floats down river and looks the size of a postage stamp from the top of the canyon walls that rise above the waters. And so it is, every time I see Mt. Hood from a different angle and distance. That massive mountain rises up and peers out from behind the desert walls of canyons miles away.

Today, as I biked through public and tribal lands along the Deschutes River, I remembered once again how grateful I am for these beautiful, wild, open spaces.

What are you grateful for today?

One comment

  1. The same, Deb. Hiked near Big Bear in the area around Bluff Lake. It was every bit as beautiful as Yosemite but without all the people. Huge meadows surrounded by pine trees. Amazing.

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