Good News Monday: a kind act for local nonprofits

Day 212 of #LiveWell2017 (part B)


Last Friday I discovered an article about a kindness project that just melted my heart, and I felt I had to share it with you. A mom and her daughter took over the Instagram account of the Triangle Kindness Project for a day and thought up a great way to spread kindness in the community. They targeted nonprofits, bringing them cookies and thanking them for their hard work.

Having worked and volunteered for many nonprofit organizations over the years, I appreciated their gesture very much. Most local community nonprofits do important work with skeleton staffs on shoestring budgets, so to be thanked like this, out of the blue, by people who aren’t even served by the nonprofit, is just a fabulous act of kindness.

The fact that one of the nonprofits they selected was the Triangle Book Harvest was what caught my eye about this story. I volunteer each week at the Children’s Book Bank, which partners with Book Harvest to distribute books to children who don’t have books at home, helping them to build literacy skills and learn to love reading.

Hooray for this mom and daughter team!

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